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Category: Funny

Writing Stream Recap: Dreaming about pregnant Harry Potter

Last writing stream certainly brought out some, uh, creative stories!

We started off with a writing exercise where we got a random word, and used it as our topic (our word was “contact”). Then we get five more random words and had to use them at some point in the story. Because nothing quite gets the creative juices flowing like having to connect seemingly-unrelated ideas.

After writing three different opening sentences and the chat picking the one they liked best, this is what I wrote (bolded words are the random words).

Writing Stream Recap: Random-word tyrants, time-swapping bodies, and Nicholas Cage

Good times were had during our latest writing stream. We started off with a fun exercise: we used a random word generator to get 10 random words, and then we wrote a story using them as the first word in each sentence. Because that’s how great writing gets done.

The words were: construct, announcement, arrange, suffer, ladder, constitution, audience, sweat, like.

I somehow ended up writing what seems like a speech made by a crazed dictator. Funny how… that happens? Read it here in all its glory:

Photo & Haiku Friday: Japanese Trump Mask

Every Friday I like to write a too-cool-for-school haiku inspired by a photo from JapanI bribe my wife to add her own as well, so we can get as many interpretations as possible, and sometimes a Japanese one happens to float in off a gentle breeze of inspiration.

Last week we looked at an advertisement for a hospital from hell. Here’s this week’s photo, a screenshot of a mask for sale on a Japanese website:

Photo & Haiku Friday: Hospital from Hell… in my Hometown

Every Friday I like to write an ode to a photo in Japan with a hot-off-the-keyboard haiku. Sometimes a Japanese one happens to float in off a gentle breeze of inspiration as well.

Last week we looked at a Shiba Inu in Halloween costume. Here’s this week’s photo that I took at my local train station, a lovely advertisement for a hospital:

Photo & Haiku Friday: Stegosaurus Shiba Dog

Every Friday I like to decorate desecrate a photo in Japan with a heavenly haiku. I bribe my wife to add her own as well, so we can get as many interpretations as possible, and sometimes a Japanese one happens to float in off a gentle breeze of inspiration.

Last week we composed haiku for a mama praying mantis. Here’s this week’s photo of a shiba dog in a stegosaurus costume for Halloween:

Photo & Haiku Friday: Bear Mug

Every Friday I like to decorate a photo in Japan with a fresh-off-the-frontal-lobe haiku. I bribe my wife to add her own as well, so we can get as many interpretations as possible, and sometimes a Japanese one happens to float in on the wind as well.

Last week we composed beautiful words to chair socks. Here’s this week’s photo, also taken at a 100-yen store nearby our apartment:

Photo & Haiku Friday: Chair Socks

There’s a lot of crazy stuff in Japan. Crazy cool, crazy beautiful, and just plain old crazy.

So every Friday I’d like to show off a small sampling of that craziness with a photo I’ve taken while living here and adorn it with a lovingly crafted haiku poem. I’ll bribe my wife to add her own inspired poem as well, and if inspiration hits me in the balls then I may include a Japanese one as well.

Here’s this week’s photo, taken at a 100-yen store nearby our apartment: