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Photo & Haiku Friday: Japanese Trump Mask

Every Friday I like to write a too-cool-for-school haiku inspired by a photo from JapanI bribe my wife to add her own as well, so we can get as many interpretations as possible, and sometimes a Japanese one happens to float in off a gentle breeze of inspiration.

Last week we looked at an advertisement for a hospital from hell. Here’s this week’s photo, a screenshot of a mask for sale on a Japanese website:


My English haiku:
Sold out of Trump masks
Now I must find something else
To impress my friends

Abbey’s haiku:
Why are you yelling?
Sit down and eat your dinner
Here comes the airplane

My Japanese haiku:

(Like a sunrise)
(It comes out from the shoulders)
(A golden turd)

(Images via Ogawa Studios)

Published inFunnyGenres/StoriesJaunts in Japan

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