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Month: November 2018

Fantastic First Pages: “Leviathan Wakes” by James Corey

Prologues are often traps for beginner writers. They think that they can dump a lot of information at the reader, but it’s okay because it’s a prologue.

Unfortunately that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Thankfully there are good examples of prologues out there. One example is at the beginning of Leviathan Wakes by James Corey.

How to Write a Character You Hate

Creating a compelling character that embodies traits you like is easy. You can make them the underdrog, struggling against oppression, and overcoming conflict to eventually emerge victorious.

But what about the villains? The antagonists that you hate? How can you make sure that they don’t come across as a cardboard-cutout-plot-point who exists for no other reason than to get in the way of your protagonist?

The answer is simple: make them human.

Worldbuilding Made Easy

For some authors, worldbuilding can be overwhelming. How can you possibly come up with all the cultures, economies, and people that populate your story?

For others, worldbuilding can be a sand trap. How can I possibly just tell the story of just one person when I have these thousands of characters in my world?

Thankfully there’s an easy way to organize worldbuilding info and make it so that you don’t go too overboard.