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Tag: Abbey

Cthulhu is a Total Bro

For the last stream, we had special guest Abbey join us, so we tried a new collaborative exercise: Five Forced Words.

To do this exercise, first chat voted for a story prompt, and then Abbey and I alternated writing sections of it… but with a twist. For each section, the person who wasn’t writing came up with five words that the other person had to use in that section.

We did our best to tell a coherent story using all of these restrictions. Did we succeed?

Read what we wrote and decide for yourself:

Editing Olive Garden Fanfiction

The last stream was special guest Abbey’s last chance to join us for a while, so she got to pick what we did. And she picked one of her favorite exercises: editing auto-generated fanfiction.

We’ve done this a couple times before. For those unfamiliar, what we do is we go to the website Fanfic Maker, put in some parameters, and then auto-generate an entire story. We read the whole thing, and then rewrite the beginning, trying to stay as true to the original intent/spirit as possible.

As usual, the original story was very… unique. (You can read it here, just prepare yourself mentally first.)

Here’s what we came up with for the rewrite:

Disaster in the Library Bathroom

A few streams ago, we did an exercise where guest-star Abbey wrote a story and then I edited it. To get Abbey’s writing juices flowing, we had her write about an embarrassing life experience, and it worked pretty well.

This time, we did the same thing, with Abbey writing about another miserable experience: April Fool’s Gone Wrong. Since April Fool’s was just a few days ago, we wanted to get the story out there while it was still somewhat relevant.

Last time, Abbey’s first draft actually ended up surprisingly good, and we didn’t have to do much editing at all. This time around though, thankfully it was much more of a mess! We had plenty to work with.

Here’s Abbey’s original and our final edit:

Creating an Elevator Pitch Using Your Name – Writing Stream Recap

For the last stream we tried a new exercise: getting a pitch for a novel by using the letters of your name.

The chart to make the pitch has been going around online recently, and I recently saw it on Twitter. Using the letters in your name, you get a word from seven columns, and then create a quick “elevator” pitch for a story.

Since Abbey’s full name is seven letters (“Abigail”), we decided to go ahead and write whatever story it came up with for her. Here’s what we got: “An edge-of-your-seat meditation about a young student’s adventure to pursue their writer’s block.”

Ho boy. An “edge-of-your-seat” meditation… what the heck is that? And someone pursuing writer’s block… why?!

It was a challenge, but here’s what we came up with: