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Tag: Dragons

A Dragon Goes to Dragon-Slaying School

The realm has been at war for over a century. Humans, goblins, elves, trolls — the four races have never known peace.

Until a new decree is passed. In an effort to stop the never-ending bloodshed, a new law allows students from different races to study at other kingdoms’ schools. No school is allowed to discriminate based on race, and all applicants must be accepted.

The only problem? A dragon has applied to go to dragon-slaying school.

A Dragon with a Secret

For the last stream’s exercise, we did something new: talking about how to write a good setup and payoff.

This is something I’ve brought up a lot when chat has suggested ideas for a prompt. Quite often, chat will suggest a cool idea, and I’ll say, “Okay, but what’s the payoff?”

Here’s an example from a few streams back. The idea of being annoyed by an old woman writing a check to pay for her groceries is fine, but what’s the payoff? Our payoff was that the protagonist ended up paying with a traveler’s check, bringing it all full circle.

So we went over what makes a good setup/payoff, came up with some examples, and then wrote a story with a good setup/payoff.

Here’s what we came up with:

April Fool’s! You’re Reincarnated as a Dragon

We had to end the last stream a bit early, so we combined the exercise and writing prompt together. To do that, we picked a prompt, then gave it the twist that it had to be themed around April Fool’s Day.

For the writing prompt, chat voted for this one submitted by UExpectedANameHuh: “When they die, humans get reincarnated into animals depending on their actions in their life. You have been reincarnated as a dragon.”

How did we turn this into an April Fool’s themed story? Read it and you can find out.

Writing Stream Recap: Ca$hing in on $EQUEL$

Since today was special guest Abbey’s last day to join the stream for a while, we decided to make it special.

Instead of writing a new story, we looked over all of the stories we’d written over the past two weeks and narrowed it down to the three we liked best. Then we held a vote in the chat to see which one we would write a sequel to.

The three choices were these:

#1. Christmas curse
#2. Dragon kidnaps a prince by mistake
#3. Hamurai the hamster samurai

In the end, the winner was…

Writing Stream Recap: Cinderella’s Gay Grandson

Our last stream (with special guest Abbey) was on New Year’s Day, so we decided to ham it up as our theme and use it as our muse.

For our first writing exercise, we started off with a vote for the chat to pick which New Year’s topic we should write about (“a New Year’s Eve party” won), and we got a randomly-generated sentence to begin it with.

It was probably the hardest opening sentence we’ve had yet, but I’m happy with where it ended up. You can read what we wrote here: (the bold sentence is the randomly-generated sentence we had to start with)