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Category: General Advice

Learning from the Crazy $#!& Anime Does

If you’ve ever watched anime before, then you know there’s a bunch of weird stuff that happens.

Nosebleeds when seeing an attractive woman, massive hammers casually pulled out of interdimensional space, and of course, running to school with bread in your mouth because you’re late.

But what can we learn from all of this insanity, and how can we apply it to our own storytelling?

Pantsing vs. Outlining

To answer your first question: no, pantsing in writing does not mean pulling down the pants of a story an exposing all their private metaphors and symbolism.

Pantsing means writing by the seat of your pants, not knowing what will come next. Its opposite is outlining, which is when you know exactly what will happen next in your story because you created an outline beforehand.

Is one strategy better than the other? Let’s find out!

The Ten Writing Commandments – Writing Stream Recap

For the last stream, we did something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while: create the Ten Writing Commandments.

I’d put it off until we as a stream had written and read enough material for me to feel comfortable writing them up. I jotted down a few ideas before the stream started, but as always, chat was the real star with their suggestions.

After a long brainstorming session with good discussions and questions, we wrote our Ten Commandments.

Here’s what we came up with:

Tips-y Tuesday: Writing Warmup

So I’ve been writing for a whole bunch of years now (some years better than others…) and I’ve accumulated a bunch of crazy ideas that I use myself and have shared with others at writing groups. Since they work well for me and some other similarly crazy people, I’ve decided why not share them with the internet as well.

I’ll do my best not to advise you to burn down your house, but I make no promises.