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Writing Our Own “BOTS of New York”

Can YOU write like a robot?

Let’s find out by writing/generating our own Bots of New York!

During the last stream, a subscriber requested that we write our own Bots of New York. We’ve done this before and it as a lot of fun, so we did it again!

Bots of New York is a parody of Humans of New York, where people go around and interview random strangers in New York City, getting a snapshot and brief life story from them.

Bots of New York instead uses AI-generated pictures of people along with AI-generated stories from them. They are hilarious and definitely check them out here on Facebook.

So we generated some AI-faces (like we’ve done before) and did our best to create some stories that felt like they were written by bots.

Here’s the faces we generated and wrote about together, along with some highlights:

#1. Linda

We took the VHS tapes outside, talked about how pictures on a video are not static, and acted out the whole thing with our movies. It was so much fun. But, that was a few years ago, and we had lost the videos, so we did a little digging. Sure enough, they were hidden away in our basement. So, we popped one in. And, it was hilarious. Wearing white robes, making speeches and doing solemn things. And, then something caught my eye, and I’m not sure if it was the lighting, or what, but when I looked at it, I burst out.

That was when I got my crown. I really wanted to go outside to show everyone. But my family barricaded me indoors. They offered me hot chocolate through my bedroom door from time to time. I also slept a lot. My time as queen was great. Sheets, paints, coffee grinders, I had it all. All I really wanted was a cigarette. The things will kill you, but also make life worth living.

A grail and her boy walked into a haunted house. Everything was covered in tape. The boy took the tarp off the couch. The girl then screamed at what was on the bed. It was a dead body! “But it didn’t have flesh on it, so it was okay.” The boy exclaimed. Then the phone rang. The girl picked up the phone and answered the phone. “Hi?” She may have sang. Nothing. She hanged up.

Say nothing. Don’t utter a word. Let my eyes watch you as you sleep. I remember one time a walk in on sister slumbering and I touched her. She moved, but didn’t wake. I liked my lips and walk out of the room. I like sneaking up on people like the mailman. I can’t help myself. I want to read other’s mail.

My dark eyes passed through the window of your soul, trapping light within them. They looked even darker after that. A black hole of nothingness, but everything all at once. Peer into them. Get lost. I will eat your heart and devour your soul. Look at my red lips and the eyes will sneak up on you. Blacker than the blackest tar, staring at you like a star. Drink me up.

For my sweet sixteen, I wished for a bigger brain. And during my picture, my mom shrieked when she saw my head. I didn’t even realize that my brain was actually getting big, too big for my head, and grew strong tentacles that broke through. The crazy thing was I felt no pain. But suddenly, I could hear everyone’s thoughts.

#2. Frances

Please ignore the teeth in my ears. Those were my little brother’s finger nails. I played with them when he was running a fever and I thought it would be great to gnaw off all my fingernails and play with them instead. Boy was I stupid. These babies have held up wonderfully. They are still in perfect condition. My teeth are not so lucky though. They look like crap. Every time I stick my finger in there to move my pearly whites around (they have to be in just right position or the grinding is not very pleasant).

My real name is Maria. I like to play sometimes. But the dogs don’t share their bowls with me. You have to be strong to survive, or else you’ll end up like my old name. Frances. Anyway, my favorite show is coming on the TV. I love Supermarket Sweep. I can’t go to school, but I can watch Supermarket Sweep. Every fact from life you can learn from Supermarket Sweep. Sweet basil is good on pizza. If you can’t get a good deal, then you don’t get it at all. Wait, I’m getting a phone call. The mechanic says my Porsche will be fixed by eleven. Just in time for lunch.

Hi, I’m Tiana. My most defining feature is my huge ear. it wasn’t always elephantine. Mom said I was born a normal girl. Ben the bully at school said I picked earwax to viciously in that ear. Maybe. My jar of wax can attest to my earwax fascination. The Doctor says surgery is needed. I cried like a baby. He handed me a sucker. I heard the kids in the other room. I kept watching the cartoons on the ceiling tv.

The day the aliens came, I was being born. Extracting from my mother, the ufo light shone through the hospital onto her womb. My head crowned, and the light transformed me. To this day, I can’t have the light on in my life. It scares me and makes my appendages move in weird ways.

I’m one of the lost children of Vietnam. My name is unknown because I forgot it at birth. One time during music class, my ear chimed with the triangle. It was an E-sharp, I think. That’s when we found out I had a musical ear. The ingrown molars on my eardrum gave me mediocre pitch. But mom said there’s more teeth that need to grow before she sends me for ear training.

#3. Emma

Hey guys, welcome to my makeup tutorial. My name is Emma and I’m going to show you how to get that gorgeous makeup look from the gorgeous models on Instagram. With this makeup look you will be turning heads and guys will be calling your name for a date. Well maybe not like the models do, but in the world of makeup that’s a possibility. The reason why I want to do this tutorial is because there’s a lot of people who are new to the makeup world who want to get started. They might not know what’s involved in getting the look.

Hey ladies, it’s ya girl Emma. I’m here for another edition of Emma’s Edible Eyelashes. First off I want to apologize for last week’s incident with the cleaning help. I didn’t mean for that to happen, Mike is okay now. You’re gonna want to put lemon juice on your eyelids for that shiny glow. This is what I used when I went to the beach. It was a noon day, and the salt stung my face, but I was determined to swim. The lifeguard was busy. I made my own way through life. It was difficult, being a double mother. You have to live to live, not love.

For 8 years I’ve been modeling on Broadway. My manager walked up to me and let me know, “I’m here to let you know you’ve sold eight thousand copies of your latest album.” Finally, there was freedom in sight. The shackles of the modeling career were being unhinged and a new prison awaited me. It was then the best day of my life was about to begin.

I wanted to bake a cake, but my false eyelash fell in the batter. I sifted through the mixture, but I couldn’t find it. I baked the cake. Want to try it? It’s a dream of a cream cake. The mascara adds a bit of color swirl.

Only half my face deserves love. I’m in an abusive relationship with the other side of my face. Which is why I refuse to make it look appealing. When I expose the ugly, my dates tells me, “I’m a living furnace.” So that side of my face is always naked. I’m saving others from her abuse.

If you want to join us and help write a story by trolling in chat, or share your own writing for feedback, then we’d love to have you join us on Twitch.

And you missed the stream, you can still watch them on the YouTube channel or watch the full stream reruns.

Hope to see you next time, friend!

Featured image: Pakutaso

Published inFunnyGenres/Stories