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Month: October 2019

Deadly Designs: Possibilities to Fix Green and White

Hey there! I’m Scott from the top four of last year’s Great Designer Search 3. Welcome back to another installment of Deadly Designs, where we talk about Magic card design from an outsider’s perspective.

Last time we looked at my picks for the top 10 best designed cards in Throne of Eldraine, but now that the set has been released for a while, it seems that we have a bit of a problem on our hands: the color pie.

Used as a way to balance the mechanics of the game across all five colors, the color pie helps ensure a relatively stable metagame. But recently there have been two big issues: green’s section of the pie has grown too big, and white’s has shrunk too small.

Let’s take a look at each issue individually, and give some suggestions for how they could be fixed, starting with green’s dominance.