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Describing Random World Locations with Geoguessr

Let’s practice writing some delicious descriptions together with the help of Google Maps!

GeoGuessr is a website where you’re thrown into a random spot in the world on Google Maps streetview, and you have to try and guess where you are.

During the last stream, chat and I played a game of GeoGuessr, and just like when we’ve done this before, we were given five random locations anywhere in the world.

For each one, we had to write a short description of the area, trying to make it as vivid and detailed as possible.

Here’s some highlights of what me/chat came up with for each location, with some of my favorite phrases bolded.

Location #1: Russia

The stringy forest stood at attention on the bank of the lake, gazing silently into the depths of their eventual demise. Humid, musky driftwood, their sacred dead, lying on the sandy purgatory between life and a slow, moist decomposition to eternal darkness.

A perfect place to zone out if you know nothing of the horrors of the deep. The driftwood, remnants of the snacks from the giant beaver lurking within.

It wasn’t a beach, just a place where the land met the sea. A line of decrepit trees braved the water, branches and kindling strewn about their living kin. On the other side, other trees stood, thin and stretching upwards as if they’d been planted all at once and were racing to reach the sky. The crescent of bare dirt disappeared in the distance on either side. Perhaps this was the failed project of a mad cartel leader. Or perhaps nature itself was too capricious for a proper transition.

A wide murky river slung between a valley of mountains. It crept up to shore, turning sand to mud. Flecks of brittle driftwood crisped in the sunlight. A brigade of tall trees stood side-by-side in rows and guarded a forest unexplored.

The placid lake and surrounding mountains bring a sense of calm to the sandy coastline. But mounds of driftwood scattered like bones run along the shore. Brought in by the currents, now eternally soaking up the harsh sun. A lone canoe washes up, eerily empty. An island adventure gone awry.

The water laid flat upon the lap of the mountains. The green lives everywhere and the sky screams calm and collectiveness.

Location #2: Western China

Rocks roasted the color of rust by the sun, crunching like brittle metal beneath shoes. The giant stones watched as sentinels to the sides, wearing their white of stripes of seniority, casting shadows of disapproval onto the tourists.

The journey from the sea to the desert was a long one, but well worth it. Dirty reds and whites painted along the sides of the mesas like massive rock zebras, watching time flow by while grazing the minerals of the earth.

The hard ground, a sandy red, baked like Terracotta in the sun. Wild, jagged mountains were formed, gnarled and calcified history, stood here proud just for tourists to snap a few photos. You can hear their camera shutter sounds–click–no matter where you stood in this valley of open space.

The glaring sun burns through clouds and scorches the rust-red Earth below. The desert cavern betrays a history of rushing water carving out the surrounding mountains, revealing the striations of passing time. The only drops of water here now float high in the sky, clouds puffy and full, looming with the promise of a rain that will never come.

The desert was unforgiving and beautiful in the same breath, with harsh winds that bellowed across terracotta sands. Mountains a breathtaking array of copper, tan and umber brown arise from earth to sky, encircling the dunes. On one hand the mighty stone structures gave the feel of protection, while on the other hand trapped those who venture inside.

Location #3: Slovenia

The eye of the cavern gazed timidly out to the valley of neverending rocks and trees. Its low stone ceiling let it only squint, and the thin waterfall — its iris to the world — gushed tingling echoes through its hollow body. Perhaps in another millennia it would finally complete its blink.

A small nook under a mountain provided shelter from the rain but not much else. Dirty moss above you decayed on stone like gangrene. This open-faced dwelling lead to a downward slope tumbling toward a path through a forest. A steady waterfall crashed against a cluster of rocks, eroded by time.

Moist, fresh rain and damp rocks with moss scented the air, spicing the cold hardness of a gray winter sky. Water cascaded down the entrance of the hollow cave, as if daring those who encountered it to risk wetness in order to take shelter encased in the busom of mother nature’s crevices.

The yawning cave cut the earth as if to engulf the lush land around it. A snaking trail zig-zagged through the cave’s cavernous mouth — apex and pray — before finding safety passed the rush of falling water.

Creeping moss and towering trees encroach upon the rocky cave. Droplets from the overhanging waterfall splash water on the dry rocks, springing up lush greenery where desiccation reigns. Sunlight streams in, casting away shadows to hide in craggy cracks until night dawns once again.

Location #4: Eastern Kyrgyzstan

The cold winds that blew down from the white-frozen mountains bit their way through any semblance of warmth. When satiated they were quiet, but when hungry they howled at the sides of the fire-hued tents like hungry, clawing wolves.

At this altitude, you can reach up and high-five the clouds. They’re just chillin, broski. Rocks of all sizes freeze in patches of snow. Cold, frosted mountains threatened to avalanche over these plastic dome shelters, colored red and yellow. Who knew McDonalds had locations up here?

Mini circus tents sprouted up like flowers in springtime, defying the snow that glazed the rocks just outside. Bitter wind whipped against the plastic tarping with the anger of a vengeful god. Man, equally stubborn, pushed forward despite the arctic land.

The frigid winds rolled down the ice-clad mountains, crushing the opposing heat before it. Small brightly coloured bastions of protection were all that stood in their way. Their interiors smelling warmly and invitingly of wood smoke and coffee.

The Mountain looks like a big pile of Cookies & Creme Ice cream in the largest world’s atmospheric freezer. yet in our artificial pockets of warmth we could hear the freezer when it was on and when it was very on. I can’t wait to devour this delicious adventure.

Crisp particles of snow whipped down from the stark mountains and bombarded the people camping below. Frost pinged the sides of the crayon-colored tents, the only protection against this frozen greyscale dystopia.

Location #5: Northern Albania

A basin frozen in time. Moss-dressed mountains protected the village from the galloping hooves of the ages, leaving it behind where stone dwellings and stick fences still stood strong. Only a single dirt road cut through the center, never quite reaching a beginning or starting at an end.

Myth turns to legend, legend turns to folktale, and even folktales are lost to time in this village of wood, moss and stone. All that rises must eventually fall, only to one day be build again. Its majesty lost, but its long history never forgotten.

A bone white track slashed through the green flesh of the valley, wicker fencing suturing its edges. The dry dirt kicked up by the few travellers, filling the air with the ageless scent of times long past.

The country dirt road winds through a cozy valley village, lush with greenery that blanket the fields. Quaint stonework houses dot the peaceful landscape. But their windows act as eyes to the deeper truth: a peculiar arrangement, facing outward towards the road, to the spear-tipped fence on the other side. Sentry lookouts from one half of the village to the next. A painful past for peace.

If you want to join us and help write a story by trolling in chat, or share your own writing for feedback, then we’d love to have you join us on Twitch.

And you missed the stream, you can still watch them on the YouTube channel or watch the full stream reruns.

Hope to see you next time, friend!

Published inExercises/WritingRandom Inspiration