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Writing RANDOM Word-Length Stories

Let’s get random numbers between 10 and 500, and write stories that are EXACTLY that word length, not one more or less!

Will we crack under the pressure? Time to find out!

During the last stream, a subscriber requested that we write stories with random word lengths.

We first generated a random number between 10 and 500, then got a random picture from here, and had to write a story about it that was EXACTLY that many words long.

Here’s what we came up with:

Pic #1
Word Count: 236

When Desire’s owner started withholding food, she knew she had to take action. But stuck in her horse stall, all she could do was watch as he passed by her every day, offering the bucket of oats to the sheeps, pigs, goats, and passing her over.

“Sorry, Desire,” he said, patting her on the snout. “The others all make things. Wool, meat, cheese. No place in the modern world for a horse.”

Desire hoped her owner would walk behind her, open up the rear door of her stall. One swift kick from her hind legs, and she’d knock him to the ground, stealing the bucket of oats for herself.

But she knew he wouldn’t dare. From behind she was a powerful beast, but from in front she was defenseless. 

So she had to grow.

At night, the hunger was strongest. Desire scraped her head against the wooden door of her stall. Her bones moved easily, yet painfully, through her diminishing body, searing upward through her skull. Then out of it, blossoming from her temples.

The next morning, when her owner offered her the same foreboding head-pat, she was ready. She thrust her freshly grown antlers right through his palm.

He screamed and fell, dropping the bucket of oats. None of the other animals dared to come forth as Desire leaned down and licked up her spoils.

No one would dare keep any desire from her again.

Pic #2
Word Count: 418

Figures it took most of humanity dying for me to finally land a job. I guess the glass is half full after all.

“Yo, I found a glass of water,” I messaged to the weirdo scientists who’d hired me. “Do you want me to see how it tastes?”

“Good god, no!” one of them screamed back. “Bring it here. As quickly and safely as possible. Don’t spill a single drop!”

Okay, but they didn’t have to get on my case about it. It’s kind of like when Mom would tell me to clean my room, and that just made me want to not clean it even more. Whatever though. She’s dead now. Dried and cracked like the rest of the Earth, all the way down to the Marinara Trench. 

I guess being responsible for humanity’s last hope made me feel like being more careful or something? To make the scientists happy, I lifted up the whole table the glass of water was sitting on, so I wouldn’t risk it slipping out of my fingers, and carried it outside.

Outside totally sucked. Literally. The hot air sucked the moisture right out of my skin. Dry winds blew like barbed wire, making it hard to keep the table steady. 

But I had two eyes! Used one to keep watch on bottom, make sure I didn’t step on any rocks or pissed-off snakes, and used one on top to make sure I didn’t spill a single drop just like that clipboard-toting nerd said.

It came close, the water lapping up right against the edges, but I was fast. Adjusting left when it lapped right, adjusting right when it lapped left, recalibrating on the fly. See, I could be smart too. I could probably do whatever fancy schmancy water-regeneration stuff those scientists were doing too!

Finally I got back to the lab entrance and carefully set down the table. Not so much as a wet smear anywhere near the cup. 

“Yo, I’m here,” I messaged the scientists. ‘When do I get paid?”

“Don’t move at all!” one of them screamed back. “We’ll be right up.”

Okay, but that didn’t, like, answer my question. It’s kind of like when I’d ask Mom if we could get McDonald’s for dinner and she’d just watch the news and cry. Whatever though. She’s dead now. Dried and cracked like the rest of the Earth.

Speaking of dried and cracked, damn! I was thirsty after all that walking. That glass of water really hit the spot though.

Pic #3
Word Count: 109

Leopold the Gecko stared at his reflection in the pond, pondering the meaning of life.

Was this it? Spending his days eating insects and flower nectar. Occasionally barking to defend his territory, and clicking to attract a mate.

All to produce more geckos who would do… what exactly? The same thing, again and again and again until—

A bird swooped down and snatched Leopold in her beak, bringing him back to her nest where he was torn apart by her babies.

Was this it? Spending her days catching food for her young so they could grow up and do… what exactly?

The same thing, again and again and again.

Pic #4
Word Count: 10

House flipping! Fun, except the blood rushing to my head.

House for sale: It will change your perspective on things.

Home values going down? Check the price chart in here!

A home for upstanding folks. Set yourself upright for success.

Feet in the sky, head in the ground. Comforting familiarity.

We live upside down in a right side up world.

Don’t need 10 words for this photo. Just one: Australia.

This all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down.

The house came out as not straight for gay pride

The haunted house unfortunately insisted upon an expensive tramp stamp.

Never had a roof over my head, only a floor.

If you want to join us and help write a story by trolling in chat, or share your own writing for feedback, then we’d love to have you join us on Twitch.

And you missed the stream, you can still watch them on the YouTube channel or watch the full stream reruns.

Hope to see you next time, friend!

Top images: Pakutaso

Published inExercises/WritingFunnyGenres/StoriesRandom Inspiration