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M e m e P r o m p t s

Gather up your memes!

Overly attached girlfriend, success kid, stonks, this is fine, distracted boyfriend… let’s see what kind of story juice we can wring out of these modern art masterpieces together.

During the last stream, a subscriber requested that we write some prompts based on memes.

Watch a short version of the stream here or scroll down for what we wrote.

The first meme that chat voted we write about was this one:

Here’s what we came up with:

When the virus forced even the zookeepers to stay home, the animals decided to leave and start looking at humans like they’d been looked at for years.

“Stay together, everyone!” said Bob the baboon, leading the group of zoo children to the next enclosure on Cerulean Lane. The penguin, otter, zebra, alligator, and others followed him up to the window of the next human domicile.

“Oh!” Zelle the zebra said, stomping her hooves in excitement. “This looks like an interesting setup.”

“Indeed!” Bob said, tapping his finger against the glass window. “This is a rare encounter. A business human who had been forced to spend time with his family.”

“Is that, like, unusual?” asked Oswald the otter.

“Oh, very much so. Typically this breed of human abandons its young in order to accumulate shiny things.”

Patricia the penguin squealed for joy. “I love shiny things!”

“Yes, yes, we know, Patricia,” Bob said. “But these humans do things a little differently, you see. The male accumulates shiny things not to attract mates or feed his young, but to build his eventual tomb to die in. It’s a strange cycle, indeed.”

Alan the alligator, the youngest of the group, growled in anger. “Maybe that’s why the humans took away my dad.”

“Geez, croco-dial down the misery, dude,” Oswald said. “We’re trying to have a good time here.”

Alan grumbled, and Bob continued. “You can see that this family unit is currently in disarray due to the stress of their artificial, enclosed environment.”

“What are they all staring at?” Zelle asked.

“That’s their watering hole,” Bob said. “It’s called the Internet, and it’s a little different than what we’re used to. Humans can connect from all over the world to the same watering hole and drink together with friends and family many miles away.”

Patricia narrowed her penguin eyes. “So why are they all so mad and yelling at each other?”

“Well,” Bob said, tapping his baboon chin, “how do I explain this?”

“Dude, so like, you know beehives, right?” Oswald said, his droopy otter eyes seeing through space and time. “It’s kind of like that. A big hive. You ever poke a hive before?”

Bertha the bear sheepishly raised her paw. “I have.”

“Uh huh,” Oswald said with a knowing nod. “No matter how organized the hive is, one poke and you got yourself like a billion goddamn angry bees. Of course that’s if you’re talking about hive-building bees, but if you’re a real bee connoisseur, then you’ll know all about the clipper bees, and they’re a little different because….”

“Wow,” Patricia said, “the Internet is a scary place.”

“Indeed,” Bob said, “now, back to the lesson—”

“Wait a minute!” Zella shrieked out, looking around. “Where’s Alan? I don’t see him.”

The animals looked all over for the young alligator, but he wasn’t there, only some claw prints in the grass and dirt leading around to the back of the house.

“Follow me, everyone,” Bob said, waving his arms. “Let’s stay together and not lose anyone else.”

The group of animals trekked around the side of the house to the back, where there was a massive lake full of shimmering clear water.

“Look!” Patricia said, pointing at it with her fin. “It’s the human’s watering hole, the Internet!”

“Um, actually,” Oswald said, “clipper bees are known for digging burrows beneath ponds to water their queen, who excretes a very unpleasant odor as a byproduct of laying her eggs and….”

“Alan!” Bob yelled out. “What are you doing there?”

Alan was floating on the water, lying on top of a giant, unmoving alligator. He had a massive grin on his toothy snout, slowly rotating toward the group.

“Look everyone!” he shouted. “I found my dad. The humans have been hiding him here the whole time.”

Patricia clapped her fins together in joy for Alan, but the other animals just stared awkwardly at each other, not knowing what to say. Zelle slowly trotted up to the edge of the lake, bent down, and licked up some of the water.

“Ew!” she said, shuddering in disgust. “Tastes like—”

“Clipper bees,” Oswald said. “I tried to warn ya.”

After that, chat voted we write about these two:

So we decided to write a parody of “My Favorite Things” with “My Favorite Memes.”

Here’s what we came up with:

A woman pointing and yelling at kittens
Confused Beethoven and Bernie in mittens
Photos of sad Keanu Reeves
These are a few of my favorite memes

Overly Attached Girlfriend and Pepe the Frog
Ermahgerd Goosebumps and mocking Spongebob
Senpai who notice us only in dreams
These are a few of my favorite memes

Trollface and Nyan Cat and knowing da wae
Sad Harold and pressing F for Harambe
Creepy pastas to collect normie screams
These are a few of my favorite memes

When the doge bites
When Reddit schemes
When it feels bad man
I simply remember my favorite memes
And then I don’t feel like Bad Luck Brian

If you want to join us and help write a story by trolling in chat, or share your own writing for feedback, then we’d love to have you join us on Twitch.

And you missed the stream, you can still watch them on the YouTube channel or watch the full stream reruns.

Hope to see you next time, friend!

Images: Pakutaso

Published inFunnyGenres/Stories