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Do Not Open that Door, No Matter What

Sometimes you see a writing prompt, and a great idea comes to mind right away. A light goes off in your head and your fingers start flying across the keyboard, barely fast enough to keep up with how quickly the thoughts are firing off inside your head.

And other times, you write about a kid not eating their vegetables.

For the last writing stream, chat voted on this writing prompt by pablomcnugg: Do not answer the door, no matter who it is or what they say, DO NOT LET IT IN.

We had a bunch of cool ideas on how to write this. Maybe it’s a supernatural entity? Maybe it’s a child’s parent, pleading to let them in from the cold? Or maybe it’s someone’s addiction, banging on the door back into their head?

But chat didn’t want any of that. They wanted the “door” to be the closed mouth of an angry baby being force-fed mashed peas.

…I have no regrets!

You can read our story here.

If you want to join us and help write a story by trolling in chat, or share your own writing for feedback, then we’d love to have you. We stream on Twitch every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 7:30pm-10:30pm (U.S. Eastern Standard Time).

And you missed the stream, you can still watch Rubbish to Published, the writing exercises, or the writing prompts on YouTube, or watch the full stream reruns.

Hope to see you next time, friend!

Scott Wilson is the author of the novel Metl: The ANGEL Weapon,
forthcoming November 2018.

Featured image: Pakutaso

Published inFunnyGenres/Stories