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W.T.F. Japan: Top 5 craziest things about the Japanese medical system 【Weird Top Five】

This week for my RocketNews24 W.T.F. Japan article, I wrote about the top five craziest things about the Japanese medical system.

It should be noted that this includes both crazy awesome and just plain crazy things, since the Japanese medical system is full of both sides of the spectrum.

Despite only having lived in Japan for only a small part of my life, I’ve had a lot of experience with the medical system. Myself and my wife have both undergone everything from small checkups at clinics to big procedures at hospitals.

I can’t really say any more without starting to spoil things, so go ahead and take a look to see how things are done differently – for better and for worse – over here in Japan.

Read the article here.

Published inSoraNews24

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