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Many Japanese workers told by workplaces during missile scare: “Please come to work as usual”

My pick for the SoraNews24 article this week is the groan-worthy: Many Japanese workers told by workplaces during missile scare: “Please come to work as usual.”

Earlier this week when North Korea shot a missile over northern Japan, many Japanese people were alerted via an automated government message on their phones to take immediate shelter. Shortly after, a few others received another message… from their workplace telling them to get to work already.

Reading the e-mails that were sent to people, and listening to their reactions online, is pretty amazing. The worst part is everyone nearly unanimously agreed that taking shelter and being a little late for work (but potentially saving their lives in the event of another missile or something), was worth it… but they all still went to work on time anyway.

It’s a bit of a culture shock for sure, but at the same time we should ask ourselves: would we have done anything different in our country?

Featured image: PAKUTASO

Published inSoraNews24

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